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Taking Action Against Clinician Burnout: A Systems Approach to Professional Well-Being External Link
A Consensus Study from the National Academy of Medicine

“Physicians aren’t ‘burning out.’ They’re suffering from moral injury” – Drs. Dean & Talbot PDF
Physicians on the front lines of health care today are sometimes described as going to battle. It’s an apt metaphor. Physicians, like combat soldiers, often face a profound and unrecognized threat to their wellbeing: moral injury.

Being a Doctor Is Hard. It’s Harder for Women. External Link
A New York Times article describing how and why female doctors face bias at work—conscious and unconscious, from both patients and colleagues. These biases affect who's respected, who's promoted & who burns out.

The Hidden Cost of Medicine PDF
Dr. James Valentine presents an overview of medical practice in the 21st century, along with prevalence, risk and protective factors for burnout, and solutions.

Medscape Lifestyle Report 2016: Bias and Burnout External Link
This report covers two important aspects of a physician's personal life that could affect treatment: burnout and bias. Over 15,800 physicians responded from over 25 specialties, providing some surprising responses relating to these issues.

What are the Significant Factors Associated with Burnout in Doctors? PDF
This meta-analysis study aim was to "identify and categorize key factors that are associated with burnout across various medical specialties and geographical locations."

Burnout Among US Medical Students, Residents, and Early Career Physicians Relative to the General US Population PDF
This study concludes that: Training appears to be the peak time for distress among physicians, but differences in the prevalence of burnout, depressive symptoms, and recent suicidal ideation are relatively small. At each stage, burnout is more prevalent among physicians than among their peers in the U.S. population.

Burnout and Satisfaction With Work-Life Balance Among US Physicians Relative to the General US Population PDF
This study found that burnout is more common among physicians than among other US workers. Physicians in specialties at the front line of care access seem to be at greatest risk.

Stability and Change in Burnout: A 10-year Follow-Up Study Among Primary Care Physicians PDF
Study results are as follows: The results of various stability and change models that were tested using structural equation modeling (SEM) indicated that demanding patient contacts lead to increased burnout among physicians. In addition, the findings suggested that about one quarter of the variance in physician’s actual burnout levels across one decade is accounted for by a stable component, whereas about three quarters is accounted for by a change component. Hence, physician burnout seems to be a rather chronic condition that may be aggravated by exposure to demanding patients.